Guild Rules

Team Spirit

Help out in any way possible, and don't hesitate to ask if you need help! We pride ourselves on being friendly and open. Discrimination of any sort will have immediate consequences - this includes age, gender, sexuality, nationality, and race. We know sometimes things aren't intended, so open communication about these issues and empathy with those affected by them is very important.


You should play games the way you like, as long as that doesn't involve harming others. This includes following games Terms of Service which prohibits hacking, griefing, multiboxing and buying and selling of in-game items/currency. Planning events and projects is highly encouraged - however, participants in these events and projects are also hugely valuable! Keep chat friendly and positive, and refrain from bringing up topics that are bound to cause unrest. Very contentious issues (social and political) should not be discussed and if done so amicably and in private. Elitist behavior does not belong in this community. Make a point of keeping critique positive. Let's help us all become better players instead of putting anyone down!


Treat every player with respect. Use the resources of the community any way you like, but remember to give a little back. Understand that not every player thinks like you do. Go to the root cause if you experience problems with a player or situation. If that doesn't help, ask an Officer or Co-ordinator for help.